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it's okay to be soft
in this workshop, you will have the opportunity to reclaim and transform the delicate yarn of a cashmere sweater into a plush 4-ply yarn using a drop spindle. this collaboration invites you to a deep exploration into the art of reclaiming yarn.
what you will need:
- 1 unravelled fine knit sweater
- 1 drop spindle
- 6-8 toilet paper rolls
- scissors or snips
if you need to purchase a cashmere sweater to unravel, we have chosen 20 suitable sweaters for you to chose from, available in our webshop. unravelling a sweater is a meditative and patient task, so we encourage you to start well in advance of the workshop.
if you don't already own a drop spindle, you will need to borrow or buy one in addition to the workshop fee. Diana has given great advice here, on what kind of drop spindle to consider buying if this is your first spindle, as well as a number of spindle makers from whom you can purchase one. of course, your local yarn or knitting shop may carry drop spindles as well!
Diana will be teaching this workshop online, via zoom, in two 2-hour sessions:
all times are in EST.
our teacher, Diana Twiss is an experienced fibre arts instructor who especially loves spindles because of their simplicity, beauty and portability. she lives in the lower mainland of British Columbia.